
Reconnect to your body--and your creativity.

Reconnect to your body--and your creativity.

When is the last time you stopped to think about your body?
As a writer, a creative…a human.

At our Vagabond Voices Creative Community, our inspiration revolves around creative seasons. And…there’s a ‘season’ that is just about the body—remembering you have one and reconnecting to it.

So, whether the season is one where it feels like winter is melting all around you, or summer is going to sleep--whatever side of the globe you’re on, join me today for a celebration of your body. It’s healing, it’s good for your creativity (and good for your writing).

This year, as we enter the creative season of ‘the body’ I’ve got a blog post for you with ideas for tapping into your body for healing and creativity.

And I’ll have a few words of wisdom from a fantastic book I finally finished reading: The Body Keeps the Score: Mind, brain, and body in the transformation of trauma. by Bessel Van Der Kolk.

How is a book on healing trauma relevant to our writing and creativity?

Here is what I know:

So many of our artforms, our modes of creative expression actually help us heal.

They are a part of what helps us survive as individuals and cultures.
Even when the unthinkable happens. Or when it’s all around us.
They make us strong. They make us whole.
They bring us together--and they are our human tradition.

Celebrate these with me--whether you’ve experienced trauma or not.
Help keep these creative acts alive and share them with others.

For all of us.

Here are a few ways…

When there are no words: peace, creativity + doodle prompts.

When there are no words: peace, creativity + doodle prompts.

Have you been sleepless lately?
Me too.
There was a night last week when I woke up at 3 AM, and could not accept—anything.

It’s the kind of thing that will leave you asking the ceiling overhead, the rafters, the roof creaking in the wind, the sky:

Is it worth being angry at the world?
Does it help anything?
Does it put bread on the table?
Stop madmen in their tracks?

So many questions and one thing I know for sure:
This is what the first creative step looks like sometimes…

Making sense of life with writing--Linda Alley

Making sense of life with writing--Linda Alley

Do you use writing to make sense of the world--or yourself?

Or maybe to escape for a while?

If you’re one of those people who make sense of the world through writing--and who loves to connect with others through writing and writing communities, the question of how you keep going becomes something, well, essential.

Today’s blog post is a special one for me--and I think it will be for you. I interviewed Linda Alley and I think Linda’s answers will get us all reflecting on how we keep going. How we keep making sense of the world and ourselves through the act of putting a pen to paper.

Write about Your Life: Resilience and writing that connects.

If there has ever been a time to write about our lives, maybe it’s today.

What curious peaks and crests we find ourselves sailing. Questions. Decisions. Restarts.

And if this is a time of turbulence, it is also one of creativity.

I’ve been through times in my life that left me searching and forced to recreate life from scratch in the past. During those times, I found myself in writing. I didn’t have a plan. I wasn’t trying to add on some new self-care regimen.

I just had to write. I literally felt my body drawn back to the pen and paper. Maybe it was just the thing I did to keep from being lost at sea during times of personal crisis.

But now? There has never been a more important time to write.

These days, it sometimes feels like we are all sharing a ride on these rough seas.

We are reinventing, recreating: You and I, the person sitting near you on the bus. The neighbor you cross paths with once in a while...

And like so many aspects of writing, maybe we begin because it helps us find meaning. Or because it lays something to rest. Or because it allows something to be reborn.

But then, on occasion, that writing that started as a furtive scribble in a journal somewhere turns into art:

Our first Writing Anthology is in Print! + Creative Pursuits, Community and Resilience

Our first Writing Anthology is in Print! + Creative Pursuits, Community and Resilience

Here I sit, leafing through our (first!!) Anthology--the physical manifestation of our creative endeavors this year. A tiny, brave book that is made of inspiration, hopes, and dreams (that often seemed unrealistic), community…

This light and hopeful collection is, as its title implies, just the Tip of the Iceberg. The tiny part of all our conversations, connections, scribbling, and doodling that poked its head above the surface.

Maybe if there’s one thing I have to say to you as we wipe the slate clean and face the blank page of January 2021 it’s this:

Keep dreaming up your creative projects—even when you don’t know where you’ll find the time.

And do you know what amazes me? I’m (still) dreaming. And so are so many of you.

We have creative projects in mind. New books to write, new doodling or journaling habits to begin...or rekindle…