
Our first Writing Anthology is in Print! + Creative Pursuits, Community and Resilience

Our first Writing Anthology is in Print! + Creative Pursuits, Community and Resilience

Here I sit, leafing through our (first!!) Anthology--the physical manifestation of our creative endeavors this year. A tiny, brave book that is made of inspiration, hopes, and dreams (that often seemed unrealistic), community…

This light and hopeful collection is, as its title implies, just the Tip of the Iceberg. The tiny part of all our conversations, connections, scribbling, and doodling that poked its head above the surface.

Maybe if there’s one thing I have to say to you as we wipe the slate clean and face the blank page of January 2021 it’s this:

Keep dreaming up your creative projects—even when you don’t know where you’ll find the time.

And do you know what amazes me? I’m (still) dreaming. And so are so many of you.

We have creative projects in mind. New books to write, new doodling or journaling habits to begin...or rekindle…