Vagabond English: Book Club Picks for Spring and Summer 2021

Vagabond English: Book Club Picks for Spring and Summer 2021

What can be better than diving into a book--holding an adventure of the written word in your hand?

What can take the place of traveling as you turn the pages?

Whether you visit incredible new places, walking strange streets, feeling the dust of the traveler on your shoes.

Or you find yourself returning home--in one way or another.

Or even find yourself traveling within…

What is more beautiful than the exciting and surprising stack of new books waiting for you?

Only one thing I can think of tops the delicious flavor of solitary hours spent in words...and worlds:

Knowing that people who understand you--and your book--are reading alongside you.

Write about Your Life: Resilience and writing that connects.

If there has ever been a time to write about our lives, maybe it’s today.

What curious peaks and crests we find ourselves sailing. Questions. Decisions. Restarts.

And if this is a time of turbulence, it is also one of creativity.

I’ve been through times in my life that left me searching and forced to recreate life from scratch in the past. During those times, I found myself in writing. I didn’t have a plan. I wasn’t trying to add on some new self-care regimen.

I just had to write. I literally felt my body drawn back to the pen and paper. Maybe it was just the thing I did to keep from being lost at sea during times of personal crisis.

But now? There has never been a more important time to write.

These days, it sometimes feels like we are all sharing a ride on these rough seas.

We are reinventing, recreating: You and I, the person sitting near you on the bus. The neighbor you cross paths with once in a while...

And like so many aspects of writing, maybe we begin because it helps us find meaning. Or because it lays something to rest. Or because it allows something to be reborn.

But then, on occasion, that writing that started as a furtive scribble in a journal somewhere turns into art:

One-line poems you can find in your reading.

One-line poems you can find in your reading.

The kids are (finally) asleep. The family, the healthy food, the shifting, migrating career, school, and simply staying sane. You’ve done the impossible. Again. It’s time to stop being a superhuman and have some me-time. And for those of us who live and breathe stories and adventures of the written word? For those of us who write, read and find refuge in our languages? Well, there are few things more soothing than getting lost in a book. Or in something you are writing.

Something small, something informal. Something just for you. It hardly matters. What matters is the way you feel when the world stops and it’s just you and your creation. And one of my favorite writing techniques is the incredibly simple (and yet so wonderful) one-line poem. Especially, one-line ‘found’ poems.

Reading for Resilience: Why Good Books Get Us Through...

Reading for Resilience: Why Good Books Get Us Through...

It’s funny, the things I know for certain? They never cease to surprise me anyway. Like reading novels and discussing them with people you trust...and who inspire you.

Earlier this week, I showed up to our writing chats, curled in layers of wool against the cold and armed with tea. It was like a small break from, well, everything else.

We met to talk about Mr. Pip. A beautiful book set during the civil war on Bouganville off the coast of Papua New Guinea. A book that sweeps you up with beauty and resilience in the face of catastrophe.

And that got us all talking about the way stories get us through.

In Mr. Pip, one of the main (and mysterious!) characters, Mr. Watts, reads Dicken’s Great Expectations to the school children as all the teachers have left the island. Ultimately, he draws the entire village into the story, to create something new a new tale that deviates perhaps from Great Expectations...possibly from the whole and exact truth of his own life.

“Do we forgive Mr. Pip for not being entirely honest?” I wanted to know in our book chats?

Do we forgive the author for telling us the story that we need to hear? For handing down the story that makes us strong rather than ‘just the facts?’

Our first Writing Anthology is in Print! + Creative Pursuits, Community and Resilience

Our first Writing Anthology is in Print! + Creative Pursuits, Community and Resilience

Here I sit, leafing through our (first!!) Anthology--the physical manifestation of our creative endeavors this year. A tiny, brave book that is made of inspiration, hopes, and dreams (that often seemed unrealistic), community…

This light and hopeful collection is, as its title implies, just the Tip of the Iceberg. The tiny part of all our conversations, connections, scribbling, and doodling that poked its head above the surface.

Maybe if there’s one thing I have to say to you as we wipe the slate clean and face the blank page of January 2021 it’s this:

Keep dreaming up your creative projects—even when you don’t know where you’ll find the time.

And do you know what amazes me? I’m (still) dreaming. And so are so many of you.

We have creative projects in mind. New books to write, new doodling or journaling habits to begin...or rekindle…

Reading for Writers: Find your resilience in a stack of books. (Book Club 2021)

Reading for Writers: Find your resilience in a stack of books. (Book Club 2021)

Pick up a book, smell the paper pages, feel them dampen in the steam of the bath or crisp in the air by the hot fire…but not for long. Soon you’ll feel the sand under your feet, the lull of waves from other shores. You’ll be off on someone else’s adventure. Sure, it’s an escape—but it’s an escape that reminds you what it’s like to be a human on this planet.

An escape that leaves you more compassionate, wiser…more resilient.

Readers who write and writers who read….I bring you our book club picks for the first part of 2021…

Write for Resilience--Our Manifesto!

Write for Resilience--Our Manifesto!

Do you ever feel guilty about taking time for yourself?

These days, what is a need anyway?

Maybe pausing and turning inward seems like the last thing on your list of priorities...alongside with making a trip to the spa...or taking a bubble bath. If you’re like me, in these past few months, the phrase self-care has started to sound like something for the privileged. The pampered.

But promise me you’ll never forget one thing:

When you find yourself and your words on the page, you are not practicing self-indulgence…

You are building resilience, one word, one phrase, one flight of fancy at a time.

Find Your Creative Seasons, Build Your Resilience--Write Something Beautiful.

Find Your Creative Seasons, Build Your Resilience--Write Something Beautiful.

Your Creativity Has Seasons.

Let me share something I learned when I was still a teenager-- about art, creative

Beautiful things happen when you find a larger movement in a smaller pattern.

This is a lesson I learned thanks to a wise studio art teacher when I was 16. I was struggling with a project, where a pattern had to repeat itself...I had these suns, starbursts that were not so bad in themselves but I couldn’t get them to hang together.

What is all this doing here? I hate this project. Is what I thought but didn’t say.

Ms. M didn’t explain, or speak, or ramble on--she just grabbed the sunbursts I’d designed in her wrinkled and always slightly shaking hands. And she began to play with them, arranging my sunbursts on the page--this way, that way...until suddenly, a movement appeared. Then another.

It gave all those little pieces I’d created meaning. Direction. Flow.

Writers, keep the words flowing with blackout and collage poems...

Writers, keep the words flowing with blackout and collage poems...

If you want to really write and feel good about your creative process—rather than find yourself staring at a blank screen, I’ve got two pieces of advice for you:

  1. Read (good, quality writing preferably in books and that YOU like).

  2. Engage in creative reading exercises to keep you unstuck and keep your words flowing (like blackout poetry, collage poetry and ‘found’ poems).

Why use experimental techniques like blackout and collage?

On the most basic level, blackout poetry and collage turn your reading into writing.

It’s a chance to let your subconscious mind wander and travel, play with associations. This is great for your writing in any of your languages.